Today is a big milestone achievement for Lila and for everyone who has supported her for years. Today she will graduate from her developmental preschool phase and move toward academics.
Before she was born, many medical professionals only predicted what Lila couldn’t do. They never talked about all the things she could do and how she would charm the world as she went.
Yes, it has been hard. It's no joke when we say she's worked for this for years. For her first two years, she was monitored regularly by developmental therapists who helped guide us in what she needed. Play wasn't just play; it was intentional development and learning. We didn’t have enough money to pay for therapy until we moved to a different state with assistance programs, but they gave us tips to work with her at home. For the last four years, she has attended occupational, physical, and speech therapy for about 6 hours per week. And three years ago she started attending day-habilitation centers to try to get her ready to follow routines in a classroom. What looks like simple fun or regular life for other kids is day in and day out work for her.
She has worked hard now for years learning to sit still at circle time, sit and eat with her class at lunch, walk in a line down the hall, to hold writing utensils, to use an assistive speaking device, to be social with other children and adults, and that doesn’t even cover what she learned in therapy.
During these years, she has experienced illness and many surgeries. Yet she keeps pushing forward, defying expectations as she goes. Going to Kindergarten is a major milestone in her little life so far.
Lila girl, we are proud of you, and we can’t wait to see the places you will go!! Join us as we wish Lila a great big Congratulations!